Circulating Vital Energy

Vital Energy Technique

The circulation of the vital energy is the fundamental technique of all the esoteric Shaiva traditions. It’s called the awakening of kundalini, because the vital energy at our core starts to expand and move through the chakras. As this energy circulates, it totally transforms our awareness and our lives.

Circulation and Alignment

The process of circulating the vital energy is very straightforward. Using your breath awareness, you take your attention into each of the chakras in turn (as described in this post). The fact is this circulation is going on all the time anyway. It’s not like you are doing it. It is simply happening. Most of us, though, have experienced various physical traumas, such as injury and disease, not to mention emotional traumas. These experiences cause misalignment within the energetic mechanism and the emergence of a whole series of complex compensations that restrict circulation.

Have you ever had a relationship with somebody that you really like, who likes you back so that there is a flow there? In fact, it may be so amazing that you are dazzled by the whole circumstance. But then your daily life and the things that happen in the world and the choices that you feel compelled to make in your material circumstances cause you to compensate for the various stresses that you experience. And those compensation mechanisms diminish that wonderful flow you felt at the beginning. You are, left twenty years later, wondering, “What the hell happened?”  

We circulate the energy to continuously reestablish the alignment of our body, mind and spirit so that all compensation mechanisms can be resolved. Circulating the energy also supports us in making choices that promote the unfolding of our creative energy, as opposed to choices that serve our material circumstances. 

How to Practice

You practice like this: you take your attention into each chakra and with your mind you touch it. You don’t have to pound on it or hammer it. Just touch it. To be honest, it can get boring and monotonous at times, and it’s actually work. Like anything meaningful, you have to work at it. But you don’t develop any musical talent just by having an instrument in your closet. You don’t become a painter by buying some canvas and some paints and brushes. You can’t accomplish anything in your life or cultivate any finer part of yourself by watching television. You have to do some work.

What About the Mind?

My personal experience, as well as the understanding of the principal traditions that I am trained in, is that mind itself is always active. It’s like a radio in which the tuner is broken, and it just goes all over the place whenever it wants. And there is nothing to be done about that.

So when you meditate and your mind goes every which way, and you think “Oh, I am having a terrible meditation and I just can’t do it,” you are mistaken. Everybody’s mind goes like that all the time. Just as there are constant clouds in the sky, there are always thoughts in the mind. But there is also a place above the clouds where the sun is forever unobstructed, no matter what the clouds are doing. 

In circulating the energy, what we are doing is attending to the essence of the mind. The essence of the mind is nothing but energy, and we are bringing that energy into a deeper place within ourselves. With the understanding that all of our experience is energy and potential nourishment, we take our attention within ourselves and along the magnetic lines of force or energy channels in our mechanism. We move our awareness and circulate the energy. And as we do that, we will feel a relaxation and an expansion in each of those different centers. It’s actually quite a wonderful experience.

Cultivating Awareness

We grow based upon the investment of time and energy we make in the direction that we hope to develop. There is certainly nothing more important or significant to develop than cultivating our awareness and our understanding of the reality of our existence. The truth is that the vital energy that has created the entire universe has come from one unified, vibrant awareness—and that awareness is at the core of each of us.

To look elsewhere is a little bit ridiculous, but it’s what we do. So it is not surprising that so many people would experience this life as one of great disappointment, pain and suffering. If you could take a little time every day to make contact with yourself and begin to be in touch with a deeper part of you, that will change. You will begin to become familiar with this mechanism. You’ll be able to be in touch with it more easily, and you will find that your physical body changes. Your level of sensitivity to your environment will change, and your capacity to truly communicate with the world around you will become enhanced. A more subtle understanding and a subtle intellect begins to dawn in you. This doesn’t happen so quickly. A great tree does not grow in a week. But, over time, you and your life will be completely transformed.

Faith and Patience

In this article we will meditate on the practices of faith and patience.

When I was about 20, the world was in a total turmoil of politics and racism. I looked around at America at the time of the Vietnam War and didn’t recognize it as the country that I had been taught it was. I know that might sound strange to some of you now, because you’ve grown up in an age where we’ve been constantly at war in one arena or another. When I was young, we thought war was a very unusual, unfortunate occasion, and that we only engaged in it to defend some higher truth. Now it has turned out that the highest truth war defends is profitability….but that’s another discussion. 

Faith is letting go of any distress, and looking for and holding that simple good feeling that arises out of connecting to our bodies and our breath. It can be ecstatic at times, but it doesn’t have to be ecstatic and it’s not dramatic—it ’s simple. Breathing into that simple space that is beyond tension, and beyond anxiety and beyond confusion, didn’t cause me to be perfectly clear, because I wasn’t, but I did cease to struggle with my lack of clarity. I stopped wrestling with my confusion. I didn’t get tangled up in my angst. I simply established myself in the nicest, kindest, softest, most good feeling place I could find in myself, and I held that space moment by moment. And patiently, I waited for the fog to dissipate. 

It was my profound good fortune that yoga landed in my life when I was in college. Somehow I actually got the message that I needed to practice it. When I started practicing yoga, I connected with my body for the first time in my life, and it felt good. From that point, I began to understand that I needed to connect to and hold a certain mindset in order to be able to access that good feeling. The simplest way I can express it to you is that I understood that I had to live my life, every day, with a great deal of faith and patience. 

Swami Chetanananda at retreat

Faith and patience are things we all need to cultivate. Faith, of course, sounds a little bit like a religion. You might ask “Faith in what?” Faith arose in me from the experience of the change that happened in my practice. I felt the state of my muscles change; I felt the state of my entire body change; I felt the state of my heart change; I felt the weight on my heart dissolve. As I found my breath, and cultivated that experience, I felt my heart become bigger and bigger and, in the awakening and expansion of my own heart, I found peace and joy. In that state of peace and joy, I started to understand more about who I was, and I started to experience what I was capable of. Opportunities came to me to express my capacity, and I engaged those opportunities with as much faith and patience as I could. I took each opportunity, one moment at a time, step by step, not becoming entangled again in my confusion, or my insecurities, my tensions, or my imaginary fears. I stepped forward, step by step, with faith and patience that the light of my own life, which I experienced within myself unfolding, would lead me to an increasingly finer place. And it has.

 I can say to you, with total conviction, that it has. As I moved forward in the expression of my capacities, faith and patience allowed me to find respect for my fellow humans, even people whom I disagree with completely. I developed respect for humanity and the ability to see living in people that same light that is alive in me. That gave me the opportunity to stop trying to impose my ideas about the world on my own life and on everybody else’s life, and to start to allow myself to appreciate and learn from all the experiences that I was having—which, of course, I would have never had if I hadn’t had some faith and patience in the first place. That respect has matured into love, and that love has grown very deep into a kind of cooperation and sharing that endures over decades and is increasingly beautiful. How amazing! 

Even now, I don’t have any answers for anything…and I don’t want to have any answers for anything. I feel like the need to have answers is the need to limit the possibility that you’re living with. Because, as soon as you have an answer, then you impose it on your environment and that becomes the story. Well, the story is always bullshit.

 If we could hold the space of faith and patience, and walk with that openness with one another, step by step, respecting the people we walk with, what an amazing world this would be. If we could see the light of the divine shining in everyone, and see and experience our total our total interconnectedness with everyone, it would completely transform our view of the world. Our simple effort to reel our minds back from all their confusion and anxiety into a simple place of faith and patience, and a simple willingness to share, becomes a profound transformation in our vision of who we are and what life is. The simple spark within us becomes a fireworks display. 

Everyday I wake up, and I don’t know if I should read the news or not. Everyday it seems to be more bizarre out there. But I can’t really worry too much about the world; it’s always been a little bit bizarre. And there’s nothing I can do about it. But I can bring peace and joy to my own heart and extend to the people with whom I share my life, the simple peace and joy that I find within myself that has transformed me over and over and over and over again, from Bloomington, Indiana, to here, to wherever is next. 

I encourage you to think about faith and patience. Within each of us there is Unimaginable Possibility, and the first step and the next 20 steps to the realization of that Unimaginable Possibility begin with faith and patience. Have faith in the good feeling you find within yourself and patience that you will be guided from within yourself to the finest possible place you can be.